The World is Coming to an End On…

We just don’t know!

There is so much to said about this subject as I sit here in my garden peacefully contemplating the mass number of entangled roots that make up my subconscious efforts to make sense of it all. In all seriousness though, there is no making sense of this matter without the use of some outside knowledge to clue me in to what it is I am feeling in these uncertain times. What I do know for certain is that the United States is being changed into a powerless wimp that is systematically being put out of its misery. One example I gravitate towards is the way liberals prefer an America without borders. Without its borders what are we other than a pathway for the entire earth to trample in their search for something that no longer exists. The other thing is how liberals tend to hate America and everything it used to stand for, i.e., religious freedoms, freedom of speech, freedom from taxation without representation and generally anything the Jeffersonian American Constitution and the Federalist Papers stand for. So with the United States out of the way, having been neutered by political correctness, green policies, world opinion and a voting public that for the most part doesn’t read and maybe can’t read but still vote and the ones that do read do so via the internet probably exclusively especially after the newspapers failed to steer level minded Americans into leftist ideologies. Needless to say America has been stealthily usurped by some very clever and totally heartless drones that need things to be their way, period. In all of this I am seeing some pretty incredible things take place for example: There could be no other explanation for this except for the fact that in the liberal mind there is no right or wrong only political correctness: The philosophical blending of al-Qa’ida and their sharia law with the freewheeling, non-aware, intolerant liberal lefties by the media has got to be, in my eyes, the most confusing alliance of all time. They seem to stand on equal footing as they are reported on by most of the news commentaries available to us through the mass media when the only thing they have in common is their hate of the only unprotected minorities left in these United States: Christians and Jews!

 More on this marriage of convenience includes things like, Muslims who generally believe in stoning gays to death, I believe all lefties are pro gay all the way because freedom for anything anti-God is to be uplifted regardless of opposition. Muslims also believe in killing their women for the slightest appearance of impropriety, or if they get raped by their uncle. They call this activity mercy killing which apparently goes hand in hand with the women’s movement. The women’s movement believes in killing too but they restrict their killing to entities that can’t defend themselves. The intolerant belief that if a person does not believe the way they do should result in all out war with that person or persons and that they be killed and wiped off the face of the earth is called jihad, just saying. I guess this does coincide with the liberal left’s ideal of everybody is right except for Christians & Jews.

And Americans don’t seem to notice these conflicts and confluences of doctrines that are being imposed on us to the point where it is ridiculous. Earlier this year I noticed that a judge stated that sharia law is compatible with our Constitution! This is simply ridiculous beyond compare, and still no response from the majority of level headed Americans I know are out there, maybe sitting in front of the TV watching wrestling, cleaning their guns and generally living life as free Americans. And our politicians please don’t get me started with that band of miscreants that live their lives like WE owe them something! Maybe they go in believing in whatever it is they believe in, but once in the halls of legislature they are almost all of them castrated by some unseen intangible force that replaces their collective spines with something that more resembles a remote control receiver. We are on the precipice of monumental proportions with the majority seemingly willfully looking the other way.

 The stage is set and if policies continue unchallenged total melt down is imminent. Essentially we will be taken out of the game without ever firing a shot. There are a miniscule amount of patriots doing as much as we can but the ungodly odds are against us. It’s a good thing I and a few others know about our Godly odds against them. As I search out the Word everywhere I go I ran into these words that describe our situation to a tee in Malachi Chapter 3 verses 13 through 21: You say harsh things about me says Yahweh. You ask, “What have we said against you?” You say, “It is useless to serve God; what is the good of keeping his commands or of walking mournfully before Yahweh Sabaoth? Now we have reached the point when we call the arrogant blessed; yes, they prosper, these evil-doers; they try God’s patience and yet go free.” This is what those who fear Yahweh used to say to one another. But Yahweh took note and heard them: a book of remembrance was written in His presence recording those who fear Him and take refuge in His name. On the day in which I am preparing, says Yahweh Sabaoth they are going to be my own possession. I will make allowances for them as a man makes allowances for the son who obeys him. Then once again you will see the difference between an upright man and a wicked one, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve Him. For the day is coming now, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and the evil-doers will be like stubble. The day that is coming is going to burn them up, says Yahweh Sabaoth, leaving them neither root nor stalk. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will shine out with healing in its rays; you will leap like calves going out to pasture. You will trample on the wicked, who will be like ashes under your feet on the day I am preparing, says Yahweh Sabaoth. (The Jerusalem Bible)

Now if that doesn’t describe the times we live in today than nothing does. And when I read the closing verses to the book of Malachi, the last prophet to speak in the Old Testament after which there was a four hundred year silence, I cringe with the knowledge of how our “modern” day society treats patriarchy for the more favored anarchy. It goes on to say: Know that I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before my day comes, that great and terrible day. He shall turn the hearts of fathers toward their children and the hearts of children towards their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a curse. (The Jerusalem Bible) I can only infer this to mean that if there are no people praying to our Father in heaven for Godly change here on the earth before He comes then He will simply curse us into oblivion, the darkness that can only come from full separation from God Himself.

Now to get on with the foretelling of when our Christ is to return to finish what He started: We simply don’t know and that is the final answer! But we do know that when He returns it’s going to be one heck of a route. Not one of God’s enemies will be left standing and they will all of them end up in the fiery pit of hell, which by the way does exist but that’s another teaching for another time. Prepare yourself for Christ’s return the same way God has prepared Himself for the His church. Keep only to the teachings of Jesus and you will have God and Jesus in you. Do it by the power of the Holy Spirit which was left to us by Jesus as He sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Stay with it every day because when He shows up for you, you will be caught up in an instant. You won’t have time to prepare then. Just remember that God loves you and Jesus loves you and that’s all we need to know

Argent Pennon

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